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Showing posts from May, 2017

First GUI Development

I've done my first GUI (graphic user interface). It's a relief to actually have something (although extremely simple) to show that I have at least done something. It's nothing fancy, but hey! It's a window. No code added, no function what-so-ever. But, it's a great start. I think possibly some of the biggest challenges are just coming up with a user interface that works well. The formulas and code in the background can be easier to imagine when you have a physical interface and an idea of how it should work. I had a friend, Joe Kidd, who worked in IT as a developer. I would sketch stuff out for him a lot when it came to designing a part of a program. I had no idea how in the world that could help him, but I see now the benefit behind having that. This is really exciting, to be honest. I'm starting to realize that some of this might be much easier to build than I thought before. In addition to learning to be a better teammate for my company, this could b...

Coding Resources

There's a resource page attached to my blog  here . It's where I'm listing all of my tools I'm using to learn to develop code. There are many links on that page to a few different languages, but my focus is on Visual Basic at the moment, so some of those links are going to be stagnant for me. Resources As it stands right now, there are four resources in my arsenal that is teaching me how to write and understand the programming language Visual Basic. 1. Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Comprehensive book This  book is one a friend had at work laying around in one of her bookcases that she had from a course she took in college a while back. She let me borrow it. I spoke to some others in the office about where to start, and they suggested the book. Many of the developers I work with don't actually have formal 4-year degrees, which surprised me. They simply got certified in some programming languages and began working. I've only made it to the third ...

Starting the Path

Where did it all begin? To start, I love computers. I always have. The technology in them and around us is intimidating to say the least. There are many things I would do differently and wish could be done differently. So, why not me? I decided to actually try computers more than what I had in the past. I can troubleshoot and setup computers with some basic concepts. I couldn't build one from scratch, but then again, I never tried. I loved computers, but it was my hobby. I was afraid that if I turned my hobby into a career, I would lose my hobby because I wouldn't want to mess with computers outside of work. Eventually, you just have to get past that and try it out. I had been in Customer Service for over a decade. I excelled quickly in that department, but it became very clear after several efforts that I was simply not going to move forward in that department. Though I had advanced most of their technology from the first year I was there, created and wrote several poli...