I've done my first GUI (graphic user interface). It's a relief to actually have something (although extremely simple) to show that I have at least done something. It's nothing fancy, but hey! It's a window. No code added, no function what-so-ever. But, it's a great start. I think possibly some of the biggest challenges are just coming up with a user interface that works well. The formulas and code in the background can be easier to imagine when you have a physical interface and an idea of how it should work. I had a friend, Joe Kidd, who worked in IT as a developer. I would sketch stuff out for him a lot when it came to designing a part of a program. I had no idea how in the world that could help him, but I see now the benefit behind having that. This is really exciting, to be honest. I'm starting to realize that some of this might be much easier to build than I thought before. In addition to learning to be a better teammate for my company, this could b...
I recently changed careers from customer service to the IT department. It's always been my dream to write computer programs and code, but I've just never taken the plunge until now. So, this blog chronicles the resources and experiences I use to hopefully become a programmer/developer.