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Showing posts from July, 2017

I Stray Further

Progress Okay, my pet project is going okay. I'm learning the questions to ask, in any case. I have strayed exceptionally far from the book. I was hoping to do both simultaneously. That hasn't worked out at all. Here's what it's become so far: The picture on the right changes. If you've got all your hours in, it's a happy face, sad face if you don't. What I Know and Don't Know I have figured out how to use the date picker. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the up arrows in each box to correspond to 15-minute increments. I found code to do it, but it's not working for me. I probably have it in the wrong spot or something.     Private Sub DateTimePicker1_KeyDown(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles dtpTimeInSunday.KeyDown         If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then             dtpTimeInSunday.Value = dtpTimeInSunday.Value.AddMinutes(15)          ...