Well, I've started my pet project, and I've got a GUI laid out. It's a little slow going, but it should work well in the end, I think. I'm sure there's going to be lots of feedback and many different ways I could do things. Right now, however, I'm limited to what I am learning in the text. As promised, here's the screenshot of my first program.
What should happen is that a user types in what the hours are required for the week, Sunday through Saturday. Then, as the user enters time, it will calculate how many hours are left versus the hours scheduled. If the hours a met, a huge thumbs up (or some positive picture) will show up on the right. If you haven't, probably some sarcastic picture pointing and laughing at you will appear. (It's my own personal touch to torment my wife). I'll have to tweak this a little bit more, but in a nutshell, this is the program I'm going to write. May go down in history as my first of many; sentimental and what-not.
I'm trying not to ask too many people how to write any of the code yet for a couple of reasons. First, I haven't learned any code yet, and I likely won't understand a word of what's being told to me. Second, I'm afraid that what I'll be told I'll understand at that moment, but since I didn't have to work for it, it won't get burned into my memory like the knowledge I have to seek out. Those long hours searching usually scar you to the point you never want to forget those lessons again.Function
Since I don't have too much to show, I'll just explain what the intention is behind this program. My wife works a set amount of hours each week, and they're somewhat determined the Monday she gets to work. Often times, she knows what she's going to have to work that week, but sometimes, it's a surprise. Usually between 40 and 50 hours. Work is fairly flexible, though, so she sometimes has to leave earlier than what she'd like for kids, or come in later because of that. Provided she gets all of her hours in by the end of the week, or she's ahead of schedule, there are typically no problems. So, I thought I would make a program she could actually use.What should happen is that a user types in what the hours are required for the week, Sunday through Saturday. Then, as the user enters time, it will calculate how many hours are left versus the hours scheduled. If the hours a met, a huge thumbs up (or some positive picture) will show up on the right. If you haven't, probably some sarcastic picture pointing and laughing at you will appear. (It's my own personal touch to torment my wife). I'll have to tweak this a little bit more, but in a nutshell, this is the program I'm going to write. May go down in history as my first of many; sentimental and what-not.
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