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Progress on the Pet Project

So, I don't have much, but I do have some. Behold my genius code for my hours calculation:

    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        Dim s1 As Integer
        Dim s2 As Integer
        Dim s3 As Integer
        Dim s4 As Integer
        s1 = Val(txtTimeInSunday.Text)
        s2 = Val(txtTimeOutLunchSunday.Text)
        s3 = Val(txtTimeInLunchSunday.Text)
        s4 = Val(txtTimeOutSunday.Text)
        lblSundayHoursTotal.Text = s4 - s1 - (s3 - s2)

        Dim m1 As Integer
        Dim m2 As Integer
        Dim m3 As Integer
        Dim m4 As Integer
        s1 = Val(txtTimeInMonday.Text)
        s2 = Val(txtTimeOutLunchMonday.Text)
        s3 = Val(txtTimeInLunchMonday.Text)
        s4 = Val(txtTimeOutMonday.Text)
        lblMondayHoursTotal.Text = m4 - m1 - (m3 - m2)

        Dim t1 As Integer
        Dim t2 As Integer
        Dim t3 As Integer
        Dim t4 As Integer
        s1 = Val(txtTimeInTuesday.Text)
        s2 = Val(txtTimeOutLunchTuesday.Text)
        s3 = Val(txtTimeInLunchTuesday.Text)
        s4 = Val(txtTimeOutTuesday.Text)
        lblTuesdayHoursTotal.Text = t4 - t1 - (t3 - t2)

        Dim w1 As Integer
        Dim w2 As Integer
        Dim w3 As Integer
        Dim w4 As Integer
        s1 = Val(txtTimeInWednesday.Text)
        s2 = Val(txtTimeOutLunchWednesday.Text)
        s3 = Val(txtTimeInLunchWednesday.Text)
        s4 = Val(txtTimeOutWednesday.Text)
        lblWednesdayHoursTotal.Text = w4 - w1 - (w3 - w2)

        Dim th1 As Integer
        Dim th2 As Integer
        Dim th3 As Integer
        Dim th4 As Integer
        s1 = Val(txtTimeInThursday.Text)
        s2 = Val(txtTimeOutLunchThursday.Text)
        s3 = Val(txtTimeInLunchThursday.Text)
        s4 = Val(txtTimeOutThursday.Text)
        lblThursdayHoursTotal.Text = th4 - th1 - (th3 - th2)

        Dim f1 As Integer
        Dim f2 As Integer
        Dim f3 As Integer
        Dim f4 As Integer
        s1 = Val(txtTimeInFriday.Text)
        s2 = Val(txtTimeOutLunchFriday.Text)
        s3 = Val(txtTimeInLunchFriday.Text)
        s4 = Val(txtTimeOutFriday.Text)
        lblFridayHoursTotal.Text = f4 - f1 - (f3 - f2)

        Dim sa1 As Integer
        Dim sa2 As Integer
        Dim sa3 As Integer
        Dim sa4 As Integer
        s1 = Val(txtTimeInSaturday.Text)
        s2 = Val(txtTimeOutLunchSaturday.Text)
        s3 = Val(txtTimeInLunchSaturday.Text)
        s4 = Val(txtTimeOutSaturday.Text)
        lblSaturdayHoursTotal.Text = sa4 - sa1 - (sa3 - sa2)

    End Sub

It's very crude, probably, but it's somewhat working. It's not giving me any more data than Sunday's total hours. Not sure why. Going to ask or research some on that part.

But, check it out! Actual living, breathing program!

When you click the Calculate button, it's supposed to calculate the Daily Total and Actual Hours. Then, it compares those to the Scheduled Hours, and if you meet or exceed those hours, you'll get a big grinning happy picture or something like that on the right. If not, some sad face. It's progress! And it's exciting! :D

Now, I'm aware that there is very likely an infinitely much easier method of calculating the hours. For a first attempt, and to see the math and everything involved, though, I am very proud.


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