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Codefighting Progress

Okay, first, if you're not following my other blogs, it's worth noting that I'm simultaneously studying to become a pilot. I had no idea the time it's going to take to study everything for the flight school. The amount of information covered is insane and demanding. I'm going to keep both up, but not nearly at the pace I had initially hoped.

The actual ground school lasts 12 weeks, and then I take a written test. I'll have to get actual flight time in and eventually take the flight test within 2 years to be a full blown pilot. That being said to iterate how much my focus will be divided briefly, but I will come back more focused to this task at hand. I'm in the 2nd week of the 12 week close so only 2 1/2 months left, then my flying time is only on the weekends. I'll figure out how to do that.

As far as the what I've been doing lately, well, I haven't progressed further than the 2nd chapter in the book. In my spare time, I am still doing the Codefighting website mentioned on the materials page. Much of what I've seen there isn't very revealing, but I'm actually starting to grasp some of the concepts. I can tell you that nothing feels greater than looking up and writing code that works.

Talking with my supervisor, one of the key components to writing code is to sketch out how the code should function. In other words, once you have a formula with a road map developed, you can write the code easier by following those instructions. My biggest problem is lack of exposure. The book is spoon feeding me and the Codefighting is instant immersion. Between the two, it's challenging, but I think both are a great mix of information to keep the learning from becoming boring.

I'm hoping to get the 3rd chapter covered by this weekend. It gets much more into the code, and as I find out how it all ties together, I'll briefly explain it in another blog post.


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